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Classes to encourage, elevate, and honor your growth

Once upon a time, when I was a wee one, if you asked what I wanted to be, I would have said “a teacher of everything”.  I had no idea what that meant, and neither did anyone else.  These many years later, I realize that I probably was intuiting one of my calls, which is to impart information in ways that encourage, elevate, empower and honor a person’s growth.

As early as graduate school, I found myself asked to teach and present to crowds of hundreds - and I completely surprised myself by LOOKING FORWARD to the opportunity with mild nerves and major excitement.  Again, another reason for how I knew that the teaching realm was part of my healing work.

Over the last 20 years, teaching opportunities find me wherever I am, and I am always humbled and grateful.  But no where does my energy feel more at home than when the teaching becomes an experience that I can call in, create, and make magic for women in healing.  Teaching for me is a chance to weave together an experiential journey that is potent, profound, soul nourishing, and deep.  Classes are developed with all energies devoted to you, and facilitated in an environment sprinkled with hope, fresh perspectives, community, sisterhood, and relationship.

True North Class Series Happening in 2021

When people find my classes, I typically hear, “this class is perfect for me at just the right time.” I trust this, and it is the basis for our True North Series of workshops, events, and classes all designed to help you discover the way of your healing and the directions you want to take your life.  This series honors your walk around your own personal compass, helps you reorient, and find your own personal lands of promise and peace.  It is a cultivation of courses meant to meet you where you are, help you find grace and ease in the journey, and empower you to discover your own North Star so you can come home, to yourself.
Virtual Classes
healing words
the wheel and the way
passages & Pathways
sisters of the light
your sacred self
In Person Classes
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Classes sizes are limited to keep the experience rich and focussed. Get on the list to receive first priority when enrollments are open.
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Classes sizes are limited to keep the experience rich and focused. Get on the list to receive first priority when enrollments are open.
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Healing Words™

Writing your way through life transitions
ften, our most difficult turning points leave us feeling helpless, powerless and alone. Every change, even those seen as positive, can still leave us overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions. Many turn to journal therapy or writing, but are unsure of where to start. Join this weekly group to assist you in finding your way through endings, navigating the troubling "neutral zone," and discovering the light of new beginnings in a safe, warm and nurturing environment. We will also include elements of other expressive therapies to deepen your experience and broaden the discovery of your personal resources. If this sounds appealing, we'd love to have you join our journaling path for a 6-week experiential group, where you will learn about writing through transitions, special journaling activities and prompts, and be coached through life changes with a skillful and compassionate therapist. Much different than a group therapy experience, you will experience a unique learning environment fostering mindfulness, self-compassion, and growth.

If this sounds appealing, we'd love to have you join our journaling path for a 6-week experiential group, where you will learn about writing through transitions, special journaling activities and prompts, and be coached through life changes with a skillful and compassionate therapist. Much different than a group therapy experience, you will experience a unique learning environment fostering mindfulness, self-compassion, and growth.


  • If you are experiencing any sort of life transition (loss, grief, moving, job change, new parent, change in family life cycle, identity adjustment and more), this class is for you.
  • Dedicated time to engage in therapeutic writing activities in a soothing, supportive environment.
  • Quick, accessible, proven tools to help you navigate change.
  • Sharing of content that you write is OPTIONAL.  We focus on the process of change, what that feels like with therapeutic writing,  and navigating that in a healthy way.
  • This is NOT a support group, but it IS an experience and process designed to support you in the changes you are facing.
  • Additional supportive expressive activities that aid as jumping off points for your writing.
  • Attention given to emotional and spiritual wellness.
  • Integration of specialized creative experiences designed to assist you in accessing your resilience and capacity to thrive.
  • You will learn adaptive and coping techniques that will carry you through any future life change.
  • Strengthen your sense of self-image and self-value.
  • Learn how to practice mindful self-compassion through writing.
  • Come away with a renewed sense of self, commitment to wellness, and mindful writing techniques that will support a long term Life Lens of self-worth and empowerment.
  • This class has a history of filling quickly and we limit the number of participants to ensure the best learning and growing experience.  Don't delay in reserving your special space in this much-loved workshop!

Healing Words

Virtual Class
Date & Time - TBD
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I had no idea what a facilitated journaling group would be like...this was something more wonderful than I could have imagined, more empowering than anything I've tried, and something I will never forget.
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I had no idea what a facilitated journaling group would be like...this was something more wonderful than I could have imagined, more empowering than anything I've tried, and something I will never forget.
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I had no idea what a facilitated journaling group would be like...this was something more wonderful than I could have imagined, more empowering than anything I've tried, and something I will never forget.

The Wheel & The Way™

A uniquely and magically created course through your spiritual compass.
ello spiritual seekers!

Whether you have journeyed with us before, or are just beginning, this class is one of our newest offerings, lovingly created to assist you in gathering up your wisdom, and learning a new framework to integrate it and walk your life journey.

We will dive into the sacred teachings of the Medicinal Wheel as taught to me by my mentor, and help you in creating your personal spiritual map through your own healing and life path.

This is the class that is going to give you a navigational framework for any stage of your journey.  It will be helpful for the beginner in healing, and equally as supportive for the soul traveling into the land of the thrivers.

Combining Earth Medicine, Ecopsychology and Ecospirituality, Ancestral Medicine and Spiritual Mapping, come and experience a magically creative class filled with sisterhood, stories, and the activation of your personal magic.

Have fun with your magical creativity!  We will be working on some awesome earth based projects directly linked to your learning, to enhance the sense of meaning and connection to your Journey.

This will be a lighter and conceptually refreshing quest into understanding your life path.  You now have the tools of how to maintain your spiritual integrity, how to make friends with fear, where to look within for answers, how to co-create with let's learn the map to bring those tools into your path in a more organized way.

This class will bring you exciting content and information, and your personal journey will be your own on your own time.  In this way, you can pace yourself in the way that feels best, and this maintains the lightness and fun dynamics of learning this information.


Come along with us for The Wheel and The Way


  • Learn the 4 Directions of the Medicine Wheel and the correspondences and spiritual tasks of each.
  • Discover a new language for how to understand, conceptualize and navigate all the elements of our Journey.
  • Understand how we travel our Wheel, what we can do to facilitate our dance around it with more ease, and how the Wheel can anchor you in all your earthly travels literally and spiritually.
  • Work with the deeper meanings of the four directional correspondences, spirit animals, colors, plants, and crystals, and ancestors.
  • Become introduced to basic Journeying Practices and their benefits!
  • Learn about the impacts of the Moon Cycles on your Map and how you can integrate these with your dance around the wheel.
  • Experience a Sacred Ceremony honoring our rites of passage through the 4 directions!

The Wheel & The Way

Virtual Class
Date & Time - TBD
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Passages & Pathways™

ome spend 10 soulful, reverent, and nurturing weeks with your companions as we learn about the essential wisdom of Passages and Pathways, and their relationship to your future.

Each person is traveling a road upon which they have collected tools, wisdom, experiences, and memories. These have shaped us, impacted us, and affected the way we activate our free will of choice and exploration of our lives, decisions and next steps.

These are our Passages. We have journeyed through them, and left pieces of ourselves behind. We have taken tokens and souvenirs from walk through these places. We have collected gems and spiritual soil on our feet. We have even brought along some elements that we did not hope for, wish for, or want. And we ask of ourselves the question: what did they all mean? Why did they happen? What purpose do they serve now?

Now is the time we recognize these walks as vital and essential to our personal tapestries.

In this workshop, we will use anchoring word passages to guide us through the dark places you have traveled, the joyful and the ecstatic, the frightening and the electrifying. We will create a Passage Pathway together in which you will be able to deepen your growing connection with yourself and with each other, and engage in the ancient art of healing through Sacred Story. With the help of your companions, you will be able to develop more insight and peace about the passages you've gone through, and make emotional, logical, spiritual, and existential meaning of these places so that you can be more confidently and serenely guided into your Next Place.
Sacred storytelling deepens the Travel Companion Connection.

This newest workshop will include delicious mediums and interactive experiences using Poetry, Reading Rituals, Story Sharing, Journaling, Experiential Activities, Sacred Trust Circles, Shadow Work, Journey Gems, Meaning Making Mandalas, Dream Work, and more.

The more we honor our sacred stories, fully remember our Passages in sensory ways, and bear witness to another, the more meaning we make for our lives.  And when we start to unravel, deeply and profoundly, what the past means to our present, our Future Passages can be guided by our authentic selves.  We will weave together our authentic truths, instead of the power of confusion and falsehoods.  We will find the Divinity within.  And recognize our own Hero's Journey.

The light is on.  I'm waiting for you.


  • The properties and tasks of our 10 Spiritual Benchmarks™
  • The 5 Purposes of Passages - Personal Application to Your Journey
  • 10 Mindfulness Milestones - Essential Skills and Tools for Your Travel
  • Self-Compassion as Your Liferaft
  • Facing Your Dark Night - When Unseen Forces Hinder Your Passage
  • Dream Tending™ - Using your dreams to teach you about your Passageways
  • Your Personal Identity Rite of Passage - Create, share, and witness with your peers

Passages & Pathways

Virtual Class
Date & Time - TBD
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Sisters of the Light™

ello journeyers, path walkers, healers, sisters, and wise women rising! Welcome to one of our most beloved class journeys create here at Smiling Spirit

This class was created as a guiding star for a seeker’s heart. Have you ever just felt like there was something more, something sacred, something holy that pulled you into a place where words can’t explain it? Have you ever felt a nudge of recognition when conversing about intuitions, synchronicities, divine messages or heavenly signs? This class is for you, for it will gently guide you into the landscape of the mystic, where your magic is waiting to be remembered.


  • Exploring your mystical path, we will delve into the archetypical and spiritual symbolism of nature and its many energies as related to your life’s journey.
  • Deep dive into powerful topics and teachings related to the divine feminine, awakening your unique magic and claiming your personal empowerment.
  • Learn the Four Pathways of Sacred Communications and determine which ones you already intuitively speak.
  • Participate in activities that will build your trust in the universe, awaken your senses, and introduce you to hearing the voice of Spirit.
  • Experience and discover a “Re-Wilding” quest.
  • Engage in a personal Self-Inquiry process to aid you in understanding where you resonate most with your higher self.
  • Create and explore mystical tools and practices that will introduce you to the many paths of an awakened spirit.

Sisters of the Light

Virtual Class
November, 2021
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"You opened my eyes to a new way of healing that I will use for the rest of my life."
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"You opened my eyes to a new way of healing that I will use for the rest of my life."
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"You opened my eyes to a new way of healing that I will use for the rest of my life."

Your Sacred Self™

An Illuminating Walk with Your Own Soul
e get lost on our Path. We may even lose ourselves. Experiencing both at once can feel absolutely terrifying, blinded by disorientation and insecurity.

Identity work is an essential element to overcoming your challenges and supporting the shaping of your personal dreamscapes. It is through our connection to our identities that we can honor our stories and decide exactly how they will inform the rest of our lives. When we are traumatized, overwhelmed, lost, seeking, uncertain, or in some other way restricted, we become lost in the shadows of our experiences. This class will help you find your North Star of your own heart. You will be able to reconnect to your sense of personal value, your own values systems, and create your personal, sacred narrative of what your soul’s journey has meant, and will mean.

Whether you have walked through a therapeutic path or are starting it with a class such as this, Your Sacred Self will support your healing by providing a sacred navigational framework, introducing you to concepts that mirror your milestones, and teach you how to integrate all of this into your new, sustainable, authentic version of Yourself.

Pathwalker, you’ve lived a story that holds wisdom. It is dripping with resilience and wrapped in knowledge. Let's find out who you were before it was told, who you became as it unfolded, and connect with the higher self, the “You” your soul is encouraging you to be.


  • Learn the phases of identity development and the impacts of the chapters you've lived.
  • Discover the layers and levels of Spiritual Identity and the influences of life moments and existential belief systems.
  • Learn the "stages" of healing and how to recognize resilience in your experiences.  
  • Own your personal healing benchmarks and recognize how they manifest.
  • Find more of You through exploring and reconciling your Sacred Story.
  • Explore what keeps you trapped, what gives you wings, and remember how to fly.
  • Engage in beautiful, healing, and clarifying activities to shed lies and labels and find your soul’s voice again.
  • Have fun with a specialized collection of journaling, art journal therapy, spiritual direction, and introspective experiential activities.
  • Discover the things you fear facing that are keeping you tethered, and learn how to set them free from a place of intrapersonal conviction and soul truths.​ 

Your Sacred Self

Virtual Class
Date & Time - TBD
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